سیاست کشاورزی مرسوم
An important influence on recent landscape change in Europe has been the impact of EU legislation, and especially the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with its support for over- production on a massive scale.
were designed to cut surpluses and benefit the rural environ- ment, the CAP has failed to prevent the increasing intensification of arable and livestock farming, although there has been a shift in production in both beef and sheep farming from the uplands to the lowlands, which may have started to tackle some of the problems of overgrazing in upland areas.
Reform of the CAP under Agenda 2000 is currently emphasizing environmental measures that aim to protect Europe's rural landscapes, recognizing the influence of agricul- ture in shaping them over the centuries.
Many science fiction novels have taken terres- trial landscapes under extremes sets of conditions - covered once more by ice, or flooded by melted ice caps as a result of global warming, for instance.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
سیاسی و روابط بین الملل::
سیاست مشترک کشاورزی
Finally, non-reciprocity meant the ACP coun- tries were not obliged to extend reciprocal preferences to EC exports, thus the Convention ensured free access to the EC market for all products originating from ACP countries with the exception of agricultural products covered by the Common Agricultural Policy, which were nonetheless granted preferential treatment.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is widely perceived to be a protectionist policy for EU farmers (Oxfam 2001) and the EU refusal to accept that export subsidies for agriculture be eliminated in a new round of negotiations was at the centre of debates at the Doha ministerial conference in November 2001.
Agriculture Defend the CAP Protect EU farmers Sustain rural
This incredible stability seems to show that farm groups still heavily influence the CAP.
However, the EU has begun substantially reforming the CAP (Commission 2001d) with the objective of reducing spending on trade distorting subsidies while maintaining farm incomes to sustain rural economies.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران